Yucatan black howler Monkey

One of the most iconic sights and sounds at Better in Belize is the howler monkey. They’re not nearly as large as you would expect from the sound – being the loudest land mammal in the world. They can be heard from 2-3 miles away, and will drown out normal conversation when they’re barking and howling directly overhead.
Amazingly, BIB residents say they can sleep through most howler concerts after the first few weeks. You can hear one “howling” here.
Howlers are a bit smaller than a beagle at around 2’ in length, with another 30” of tail. The tail, by the way, is prehensile and is used as a fifth hand when climbing, leaping, and just plain hanging on up in the trees.
There are 15 species of howler monkeys in Central and South America, but the kind found in Belize is the Yucatan Black Howler, referred to by locals as “baboons.”
Howler monkeys may be seen everywhere within the boundaries of Better In Belize eco-community, and may howl at any time of the day or night, most likely advertising and protecting territories. You don’t have to worry about them messing with you or your stuff because they stay well up in the trees eating leaves, fruits and seeds. However, if you anger them they may throw a small branch or a pile of steaming excrement at you. They’re not terrifically good shots, though. For more information, go here.