

One of the wonderful things about Better in Belize is that you might actually see a wild jaguar on your walk early some morning or just before dark.  This gives an extra bit of spice to living here that is cherished by most – although it gives others the jitters.

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Technically, the puma, although quite large, isn’t considered to be one of the “big cats” because it can’t roar. In Belize, where it has competition with the larger jaguar, the puma hunts smaller animals, such as young crocodiles, agoutis, coatis, turkeys, gibnuts, armadillos, foxes and snakes.

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Gray Fox

This is the same species of arboreal (tree-climbing) gray fox that roams across most of the US, but the gray fox in Belize is sleeker, paler, and appears longer-legged than its northern counterpart. It climbs trees to hunt for bird eggs and nestlings, ripe fruits, and insects.

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White-nosed Coatimundi

This is one of the more commonly-seen animals around BIB. Coatis (ko-AH-tees) are relatively bold, and since they have become accustomed to humans (TOO accustomed, really) they may hang around long enough for you to get a good look and maybe even take photos.

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