Landscaping and Gardening

Here you’ll find help with
landscaping, gardening
around your home, on your
veranda and inside your
house, creating a kitchen
garden, and advice on
what plants do well in Belize.
Find out how to garden
the dry season and tips for
watering during drought
Learn about local medicinal
plants and how to grow
and make your own medicine, too. Gardening techniques in the tropics are different in the tropics, and to be successful you’ll need to learn some new tricks. Varieties of vegetables have been bred for tropical use, so even THAT will be different. Think of it as a fascinating challenge.


Edible Prickly Pear

The Nopal is a cultivated variety of prickly pear cactus having much reduced spines. It…
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Hummingbird Feeders

Hummingbirds love our nectar feeders, but are we doing the right thing by hanging them…
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Don’t let the thought of getting leishmaniasis scare you away from coming to BIB. People…
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Poisonwood Peril

The poisonwood tree, called che-chem by the Mayans, can give you a serious itch, a…
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Gumbo Limbo

The gumbo limbo tree is also known as Indio des nudo, or naked indian tree…
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