The Polyclinic in Benque offers free medical care to everyone who visits. You may prefer to have your own private doctor, but if you don’t have one, or if your doctor is unavailable, or if you have an emergency, the polyclinic is the closest place to go for help. Its official name is the Drs. Kevin and Kenneth Guerra Polyclinic II.
It’s located on the street which goes past the Uno Station and the bus station, parallel to the Mopan River.
When you go in, you will be asked for basic information, and then assigned a number and a card which you’ll need to bring with you any time you visit any clinic or hospital in Belize. It will look like one of these, with the blanks filled in with your information.
The clinic will have posted on the door the days you should appear for various maladies. Those are the days that a doctor experienced in those areas is in attendance. The clinic doesn’t have specialists, so in some cases visiting a private doctor may be a better idea. Sometimes there is a long line, sometimes you will be seen immediately.
Take your cellphone or a book in case you have to wait awhile. For minor problems, the clinic is a budget-wise choice. The service is free, as are any drugs the doctor prescribes, provided funds from the government have been sufficient to keep the in-house pharmacy supplied. The doctors and nurses will do their best, but they work with a limited amount of money for equipment and drugs.
For best results, keep up to date with the hours and days for various ailments are subject to change. But in an acute emergency you won’t be turned away if there is someone available to help you.