Covid-19 Vaccinations and Booster Shots

Vaccinations for Covid-19 are available in Belize. As of January 2022, you can receive a free vaccination or a booster shot at the San Ignacio Hospital, which is on the road to Bullet Tree. Map here.

Take your passport or other ID with you, and if you need a booster, your vaccination card. Don’t go if you have a fever, because you will be turned away and have to return later, without a fever, for your shot.

If you haven’t yet gotten your vaccination, and worry that it will be painful, yes, there is a possibility that your arm may hurt for awhile – although most people experience little or no pain beyond the prick of the needle. But it won’t be as bad as going to the hospital because you can’t breathe.

We ALL wish life to be as it was before Covid-19, but many of us fear vaccines. For those who are in doubt about getting vaccinated –visit this CDC site for more information.

If you don’t believe in taking vaccines, please be aware that it is better to err on the side of safety, and just in case you are wrong, you don’t want to be responsible for passing on the virus to others. Please wear your mask if there is any chance you have come into contact with someone with Covid -19 , remembering that you may not notice Covid-19 symptoms in that person. As of January, 2022, more than 600 Belizeans have died of Covid-19.

By the way, if you have one of the big Belize vaccination cards, which are awkward to carry around, you can get a wallet-sized laminated copy for less than $5 at the Benque “computer” store, found between the high school and the Western Highway, just around the corner and down a block from Zhen’s Supermarket. Other stores will also produce these for you.

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