Mamey Sapote
The mamey’s taste and texture are similar to a papaya crossed with a sweet potato. It’s ripe when the flesh has slight give when you press it, like an overripe avocado.
The mamey’s taste and texture are similar to a papaya crossed with a sweet potato. It’s ripe when the flesh has slight give when you press it, like an overripe avocado.
Cashew nuts come attached to a gorgeous, soft, oily-feeling fruit shaped like a bell pepper and called a cashew apple. Both apple and nut are edible.
The Nopal is a cultivated variety of prickly pear cactus having much reduced spines. It is used as a vegetable and is a medicinal plant.
Rice pilaf is a complementary great side dish for Belizean cooking. With its extra flavorings, it can be a complete light meal all by itself.
Atole is a traditional Mexican hot drink made with cornmeal, vanilla and cinnamon. But you can make a really excellent Belizean variation with the ajote squash
Pumpkin Takari is a favorite of neighboring Belizean families, an East Indian dish with a Belizean twist. Use whatever vegetables you have handy.
Lychees have a tough, dry, bumpy skin, but it’s thin and you can cut it with a knife or bite into it with your teeth and peel it off, exposing the pearly white globe inside.
Use this as a guide in any Central American produce market — chances are you’ll find your mystery fruit here, along with its name.
The caimito is pretty tasty but not strongly flavored, rather like a grape or plum, with aftertones of persimmons, and a fun new fruit to try.
Vegetables don’t get any fresher than when you visit Roberto’s truck farm across from BIB’s entrance.